International Talent Development

"Talent needs to be nurtured not just found"

I am seeking an investor/backer to set up and develop the international talent organization & Hub (ITO)

The new organisation will be set up to nurture and develop worldwide talent, of all disciplines. It will cover individual industries in 2-year phases. The organization will also carry out specific research and archival of all industries on an ongoing basis.However, Individual talent development will be a continuous process. At the present time, there is nothing like the type of organization we propose available for international talent development.
I am seeking an investor/backer to set up and back the development of the organization. You can donate funds using the PayPal button below.

I intend to set up an international talent organisation that will find, develop and nurture talent of all disciplines, worldwide. You can use the PayPal button (below) to donate.Your email address will be added to a list of other donors. You will be kept up to date with the organisation's development.If you wish to be the organisation's sole donor you must contact me using this form and explain your intentions. You will own the organisation outright and choose the organisation's name. You would be the organisation's CEO (Chief Executive Officer).

"Talent needs to be nurtured not just found"

If you would like to contact me with any questions you might have, Please use the form below. I will get back to you within 24 Hours.

This proposal is now supported by a prestigious international center of excellence.

You can use the PayPal button at the bottom of this page to make a donation, using PayPal.